Prior Art Documentation Librarian Services brings together expertise and experience of research librarians and administrators to undertake verification of access to prior art found in libraries and archives in support of patent and trademark cases; Dr. James L. Mullins serves as the person who verifies the work of the company and signs as the sworn authority for the document, if only a bibliographic report that is unsworn.

James L. Mullins, PhD
Founder and Principal
Dr. James L. Mullins has over 44 years of academic research library experience beginning initially as a cataloger early in his career and as a manager of the 'behind the scenes" operations of an academic library before becoming an administrator. His administrative library roles have included Indiana University, Villanova University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Purdue University. After 14 years he retired in 2018 as Dean of Libraries and Esther Ellis Norton Professor at Purdue University, retaining the title of Dean Emeritus and Norton Professor Emeritus. He holds BA and MALS degrees from the University of Iowa and a PhD from Indiana University. His full CV is available at: